Faculty of Textile Engineering Faculty


09.07.2021 Dear students, dear colleagues,

The coronavirus situation gets worse again. The number of infections is increasing and coronavirus mutations are spreading. As a result, measures will be tightened up to prevent its spread. Therefore, kindly follow the Rector's measures on the relevant website https://www.tul.cz/en/university/official-desk/covid-19/

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

10.05.2021 Dear students, dear colleagues,


From May 10, 2021, in accordance with the Extraordinary Measure of Government Resolution No. 433, Annex 1, the personal presence of students at classes and examinations is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to:

  1. practical teaching and practice of students,
  2. participation in individual consultations (mode of 1 student + 1 academic staff member or another person),
  3. participation in exams, if the distance between individual persons is 1.5 m at least.

In accordance with the Rector's Order No. 2/2021, entry to the TUL buildings will be permitted only to the person who:

  • have undergone a negative RT-PCR test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus with a negative result no later than 7 days, or
  • have passed a negative POC test for SARS CoV-2 antigen at least 72 hours ago, or
  • proves a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 from the Ministry of Health, at least 14 days have elapsed since the last dose, or
  • have undergone laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 disease, the isolation period has expired according to the valid emergency measure of the Ministry of Health and the first positive POC antigen test for SARS CoV-2 virus or RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 virus has not expired more than 90 days, or
  • have passed, at the latest 72 hours before the employer, a test to determine the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus antigen, which is intended for self-testing or authorized by the Ministry of Health for use by a lay person, with a negative result. In case of individual consultation, there is no need to prove a negative test, if the teacher agrees.

Method of proof:
The student is obliged to upload information about fulfillment of the Conditions for entry to TUL into the information system https://liane.tul.cz/covid (test reports for students are available from April 26, 2021) - after uploading, the student obtains a verification email, which will be shown to the teacher upon request. At the same time, the input of data will be understood as a solemn declaration of the student about the truthfulness of the stated facts.
The Technical University has provided a test site for students at workplace of the Red Cross - see:

Students cannot be tested at the FT TUL.

Entrance to the buildings for employees and students of final is allowed by ISIC cards.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

05.05.2021 Dear students, dear colleagues,

From May 10, 2021, in accordance with the Extraordinary Measure of Government Resolution No. 433, Annex 1, the personal presence of students at classes and examinations is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to:

  1. practical teaching and practice of students,
  2. participation in individual consultations (mode of 1 student + 1 academic staff member or another person),
  3. participation in exams, if the distance between individual persons is 1.5 m at least.

 In accordance with the Rector's Order No. 2/2021, entry to the TUL buildings will be permitted only to the person who:

  • shows a negative result to a test for COVID-19 (antigen test or PCR) not older than 7 days;
  • proves a certificate of vaccination from the Ministry of Health, at least 14 days have elapsed since the last dose;
  • proves that s/he has suffered from Covid-19 in the past 90 days and does not show any symptoms of the disease at the same time.
  • In case of individual consultation, there is no need to prove a negative test, if the teacher agrees.

Method of proof:
The student is obliged to upload information about fulfillment of the Conditions for entry to TUL into the information system https://liane.tul.cz/covid (test reports for students are available from April 26, 2021) - after uploading, the student obtains a verification email, which will be shown to the teacher upon request. At the same time, the input of data will be understood as a solemn declaration of the student about the truthfulness of the stated facts.

The Technical University has provided a test site for students at workplace of the Red Cross - see:


Students cannot be tested at the FT TUL.

 Entrance to the buildings for employees and students of final is allowed by ISIC cards.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

26.04.2021 Dear students and academics,

 In accordance with the Extraordinary Measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic of April 19, 2021, with effect from April 26, 2021, there is a partial renewal of full-time teaching at the Faculty of Textile Engineering.

 Personal presence of students concerns:

  • practical teaching and practice of final year students,
  • participation in individual consultations (1 teacher + 1 student),
  • participation in exams (individual and group exam up to 10 people in one room).

Students' participation in classes is allowed provided that the student does not have any symptoms of COVID-19 and further:

  • who shows a negative result to a test for COVID-19 (antigen test or PCR) not older than 7 days or
  • who proves a certificate of vaccination from the Ministry of Health, at least 14 days have elapsed since the last dose, or
  • who proves that s/he has suffered from Covid-19 in the past 90 days, or
  • it is an individual consultation where there is no need to prove a negative test, if the teacher agrees.

Confirmation also means an SMS or e-mail about a negative test result sent by a health care provider. Preventive testing for COVID-19 will also be provided by the TUL, more information can be found in the TUL Rector's Letter for teaching from April 26 and student testing

Entrance to the buildings for employees and students of final years is allowed by ISIC cards.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

16.03.2021 Dear students and academics,

 This instruction follows the instruction COVID-19 Summer semester - current state of teaching organization, issued on March 1, 2021 and is in accordance with an extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health: https://www.mzcr.cz/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Mimoradne-opatreni-povinne-testovani-zamestnavatele-s-ucinnosti-od-3-3-2021-do-odvolani.pdf

Access to buildings
From March 17, 2021, the rules regarding the entrance to the FT buildings, i.e. TUL, have been tightened. From this date, entry will be allowed to persons who have passed a PCR test, antigen test or other preventive test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus with a negative result in the last seven days only.

Testing is not performed on persons:

  1. Who have undergone laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 disease, their isolation period has elapsed, there are no signs of COVID-19 disease, and no more than 90 days have elapsed since the first positive RT-PCR test or POC antigen test. These facts are proven by a medical report.
  2. Which proves a negative result of an RT-PCR test or a professionally performed POC antigen test.
  3. Who have already been vaccinated against COVID-19, if 14 days have elapsed since the second dose (or from the only dose, if it is a single-dose vaccination), have a certificate from the Ministry of Health and do not show symptoms of the disease.

Measures taken

  1. Buildings will be accessible on cards for employees only. Students will not have access to the buildings on the cards. If the employee has an appointment, a consultation with the student, etc. (hereinafter generally a visit), employee will pick up the visit at the main door and have a declaration of non-infectivity signed by visit.
  2. Employees will be regularly tested according to the announced dates of the doctor who provides testing for TUL.
  3. In exceptional cases, employees may perform a self-test at the workplace (at the relevant department, dean's office, etc.). Kits were provided at the workplace to allow safe testing. The heads of the departments were acquainted with the course of the test, recording and disposal of waste. If the test is positive, the employee must follow the instructions in the Guide to Self-Testing in Companies:
    In case of a positive result, the employee is obliged to:
    • Inform the employer of this fact.
    • Do not enter the workplace and, if testing is performed at the workplace, leave it immediately.
    • Immediately contact the occupational health service provider or your registering general practitioner by telephone or other remote means or, if the employee does not have a registered general practitioner, the locally competent public health authority (regional hygienic station or hygienic station of the capital city of Prague).
    • Until the doctor or hygienic station determines the next procedure, the employee must minimize the risk of infecting other people, ie ideally isolate himself.
    • This doctor or the competent public health authority will issue an application in the ISIN for a confirmatory test by means of an RT-PCR test.
    • The employee is obliged to undergo a confirmation test.
    • The time between a positive test of an antigen test performed by a lay person and the result of a confirmatory PCR test is another obstacle to work on the part of the employer according to § 208 of the Labor Code.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

01.03.2021 Dear students and academics,

Based on the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 200 and the TUL Rector's Order No. 12/2020 of March 1, 2021, the situation remains unchanged. The personal presence of students in classes and examinations, if more than 10 persons take part in the examination at a university and participants in lifelong learning courses at the same time, is prohibited.

Participation in university entrance exams with a maximum of 10 people is allowed. The student participates in examinations and consultations only if the following conditions are met:

  • is free of acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.),
  • disinfect hands at the entrance to the building and at the entrance to the room,
  • no quarantine measure has been ordered at that time. Participation in individual consultations (only one student and one academic staff) is still allowed.

Course guarantors, in agreement with individual teachers, are obliged to contact students by e-mail without undue delay and inform them about further teaching, contactless teaching is required with the help of standard tools supported by secure and legal TUL information systems.

In the event that students commute to Liberec from another district, it is necessary that they have prepared the forms published on the website of the Ministry of the Interior (https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/pohyb-mezi-okresy.aspx).

This Regulation shall apply until March 21, 2021 to 23:59.

From March 21, 2021, buildings B, D, E3 and N (Jablonec nad Nisou) will be closed, employees will be allowed to enter the chip card and students will be admitted to the buildings by a teacher, or trainer.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

22.02.2021 Dear students and academics,

Based on the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 129 and the TUL Rector's Order No. 12/2020, the method of tuition applies as it took place at the end of the semester, i.e. after the New Year. The personal presence of students in classes and examinations, if more than 10 persons take part in the examination at a university and participants in lifelong learning courses at the same time, is prohibited.

Participation in university entrance exams with a maximum of 10 people is allowed. The student participates in practical training, examinations and consultations only if the following conditions are met:

  • is free of acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (eg fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.),
  • disinfect hands at the entrance to the building and at the entrance to the room,
  • no quarantine measure has been ordered at that time.

Participation in individual consultations (only one student and one academic staff) is still allowed.

Course guarantors, in agreement with individual teachers, are obliged to contact students by e-mail without undue delay and inform them about further teaching, contactless teaching is required with the help of standard tools supported by secure and legal TUL information systems. Course guarantors are obliged to report the method of teaching to the Dean.

This Regulation shall apply until February 28, 2021 to 23:59.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL


With regard to the release of the government's measures in connection with COVID-19 students will be full-time and external studies to be informed Friday, December 4, 2020 , about the method of teaching individual subjects.
Through the university e-mail, students will receive information from their lecturers, whether the teaching subjects will be taught directly or whether they will continue at a distance form until Christmas.

24.11.2020 Dear students,

On November 25, 2020, some of you (i.e. students of the final years of Bachelor's, Master's and PhD studies) will be allowed to continue at least partially full-time, or combined form. These are about practical and laboratory exercises. You can also complete the necessary measurements for your Bachelor's and Master's Theses. PhD students can continue to work in the laboratories on their Dissertation Theses.

Especially those who need to measure, in order to complete your Bachelor's and Master's theses, contact your supervisor as soon as possible so that you can complete everything you need for the timely submission of Theses. These are about students who plan to submit a Bachelor's or Master's Thesis in January 2021.

Buildings B, D and E3 will be closed, employees will be allowed to enter via the chip cards, and students will be admitted to the buildings by a laboratory and art lecturer, or supervisor. Current information can be found in the TUL Rector's Order No. 12/2020 (revision 07, effective from November 25, 2020).

We look forward to you.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., Dean of FT TUL

2.11.2020 Dear students and academics,

Based on the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 1112 with effect from November 2, 2020 from 00:00 to November 20, 2020 to 23:59, the personal presence of university students in lessons and examinations if more than 10 persons take part in the examination at the same time, and participants in a lifelong learning courses is prohibited. Tuition will run by distance form only. TUL buildings will be closed, just employees are allowed to enter via the chip card. Current information can be found at the TUL Rector's Order No. 12/2020 (revision 05, effective from November 2, 2020).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Bajzík, Ph.D., děkan FT TUL


9.10.2020 Dear students, academics,

In connection with the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 997 of October 8, 2020 on the Adoption of a Crisis Measure, the personal presence of students at classes is prohibited in the period October 12 – 25, 2020. Tuition will run by distance form only. TUL buildings will be closed, just employees are allowed to enter via the chip card. Current information can be found at the TUL Rector's Order No. 12/2020 (revision dated 9.10.2020).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Ing. Jana Drašarová, Ph.D., Dean of FT

  1. Info ˆ 9.10.2020

23.9.2020 Dear students,

Given the current situation, certain restrictions in teaching can be expected for the coming semester. These are (and will be) specified mainly by current regulations of the Ministry of Health or the recommendations of the regional hygienic station. In the current situation, "hybrid" teaching (combination of full-time and distance forms of education) is assumed under increased hygienic measures (especially wearing face-masks in a building outside the classroom, or the teacher can ask students to use face-masks during teaching), where:

  • In the event that you are ordered to quarantine or show symptoms of a viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.), you must report it immediately; you will be informed as soon as the relevant form is ready.
  • Currently, no changes are planned in the beginning and organization of the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021 - the study schedule applies.
  • It is possible to expect restrictions on full-time teaching; the state may change during the semester.
  • We ask students to check the timeliness of their contact details in STAG (phone, e-mail). The TUL email address must be used in communication with teachers.
  • Regularly follow the information on the faculty website, read e-mails from the study department and from teachers. FT is ready to react immediately and flexibly to any change or escalation of the situation.
  • Attendance at all classes will be recorded (including lectures).
  • It is possible that the teaching will be adapted to current hygiene measures, i.e. it will be changed according to the situation in the form of e.g. accumulation of exercises for periods with less restrictions, division of exercises into smaller groups, which will alternate in exercises once every two weeks, etc. Teachers will inform about it in advance by bulk email from IS STAG.
  • Even if distance teaching is ordered, teaching will take place according to the schedule, which should avoid possible conflicts in the requirements of individual teachers (i.e., for example, video conferencing will take place at the time of the set in the schedule, as well as solving assigned tasks). - according to the teacher's instructions - you should perform exercises at the time of the schedule, etc.).
  • Solve any problems (illness or suspicion, quarantine, technical problems, inability to contact the teacher, problems with fulfilling study obligations, etc.) with your teachers and the study department as soon as possible until a solution can be found.

At present, I consider consideration, responsibility and collegiality to be key. I ask that all students (including employees) are responsible and remain outside the team in a situation where they feel any symptoms of the disease.

 Quod bonum, felix, faustum, fortunatumque sit. (May it be for good, happiness, welfare and well-being.)


Jana Drašarová

Frequently Asked Questions