
Ing. Adnan Ahmed Mazari, Ph.D. | Ft.Tul.cz

Jméno: Adnan Ahmed Mazari
Pracoviště: Katedra oděvnictví, budova E3
Telefon: +420 48 535 3677
E-mail: adnan.ahmed.mazari@tul.cz
Pozice: vědecko výzkumný pracovník
Konzultační hodiny: viz STAG
Web of Science (RID): ResearcherID
Scopus (AIS): Author Identifier SCOPUS
Research Gate: Research Gate
Osobní stránky: http://adnanmazari.blogspot.com/

Odborné zaměření:

  • Textile sewing process.
  • Heat generation in the clothing machines.
  • Unconventional textile fusing (ultrasound, hot air,...).
  • Electrospinning.
  • Car seat comfort.
  • Use of high speed camera and thermal camera for textile measurements.
  • Analytical modeling to predict heating of machine part during sewing process.